Robert DeNinno Jr. Quoted in The Philadelphia Inquirer Article on COBRA

Robert DeNinno Jr., Principal of the Philadelphia based Precision Benefits Group was quoted in The Philadelphia Inquirer article, entitled “Businesses Can Now Get Money for Some Health Costs, But There are Downsides.” The piece written by Gene Marks discusses the government’s extension of COBRA insurance to Sept. 30 through the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 to aid those recently unemployed workers, and how businesses should best handle paying for their premiums and getting reimbursed for it.

The article notes that more information is still needed from the Department of Labor, but that there are action items for employers to complete to get the ball rolling. 

“Now that the measure has passed, it will be up to the Department of Labor to provide guidance, so until that is complete the details are somewhat speculative,” said Robert DeNinno Jr. of Precision Benefits Group. “My advice to employers would be to reach out to their benefit consultant or broker for guidance to make sure they are complying.”

 Read the full Philadelphia Inquirer Article.